This is a breakdown of my Every Day Carry (EDC) and even more importantly my Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF) medical kit/supplies which I always have on me. I hope to never have to use this stuff, but never hurts to be ready for anything (and no I am not a Doomsday Prepper, this is merely for an everyday situation and not for long term survival in the case of the world version of SHTF). I teach in a college, which are considered a soft target for potential attacks and I like to be ready for anything (or this stuff could come into use during a car accident or similar situation).
Disclaimer: Most of this stuff I have never used personally, most of the knowledge I have gained in regards to these products comes from those who have used such items and their personal opinions on them. With that being said, some of you will probably disagree with some of these things, which I say go for it (I have an asshole too, I mean opinion). This is an informational tool and by no means does this give you certification or the knowledge base to use these tools.
I use the GORUCK GR1 as my everyday ruck, total weight is roughly 30 lbs. on a normal day.

Main Compartment

Contents within Main Compartment
Laptop in the back pocket and a charger (I'm a teacher so it is with me 99% of the time)
Med Kit (XL Simple GORUCK Field Pocket)
Rope Kit (L Simple GORUCK Field Pocket)
Spare Clothes (M Simple GORUCK Field Pocket)
Duct Tape
Med Kit (Glow in the dark MED 2x3 Patch)

This splint is great for pretty much anything other than making a finger splint, it's pliable and can be molded to work for whatever issues you may be dealing with.
Compact and light weight.
Once setting it, use the ACE bandage to wrap the appendage to stabilize everything.

Used for rolled ankles, sprained knee and/or shoulder.
Also good to have for the SAM Splint.

Miscellaneous Bandages & Other Items
Cyalume SnapLight Industrial Grade Light Sticks, Green, 6" Long, 12 Hour Duration
Assorted Band-Aids
Travel sized tampons

Ever Ready First Aid Israeli Bandage Battle Dressing First Aid Compression Bandage
Used for hemorrhage control.
Has a gauze pad that goes on the wound and a pressure bar built in to keep it tight, along with a closure bar to keep it in position.

Easy to use and able to be self-applied.
Similar to the Israeli Bandage but does not have the same preferred features. If choosing between the two go with the Israeli in my opinion.
Pair of Black Talon® Nitrile Trauma Gloves

Needle Decompression Kit
Used when there is a pneumothorax, the needle will release the trapped air allowing for the lung to inflate again.
NOTE: Do not use unless you have been taught on how to apply it or it is a life or death situation.

This will stop a high pressure arterial bleed within minutes with applied pressure (femoral, axillary, brachial bleeds).
Smaller option is available but is meant for less critical injuries such as a minor lacerations.

Used for stab or gunshot wounds in the chest region.
A very adhesive sticker that goes over the wound, sealing it off and protecting it from further contamination.
Will adhere even in the presence of blood, sweat, hair, and sand.
Works in temperatures below 32 F and over 140 F.

Intraosseous Infusion System
This is just in my kit since I have it, probably will never personally use it.
Used when the intravenous access is not available.
The end with all the needles gets pushed into bone that can be felt superficially, usually the manubrium of the sternum, head of the humerus, or anterior proximal tibia to infuse blood into a person’s marrow cavity in case of substantial blood loss, so you would need an IV bag of blood to go with this (I do not carry blood).
Click Here for Video (not for the squeamish)

Can cut through a cast or even a penny (if you ever needed to do that).
Has the safety edge on them so you can be quick with them without worry of stabbing someone.

This is just athletic tape that I have for use whenever and for whatever.

All Packed In

Rope Kit
Added weight, no true practical purpose for my everyday situations other than practicing knots in my office, other than maybe tying up someone I guess (a bad guy obviously).
Mainly used to make a Swiss Seat

Spare Clothes
Boxer briefs (secret is out I guess)
Gym Shorts
Ranger Panties (of course)

Internal Mesh Pocket & Top Pocket

Contents within the Mesh Pocket and Top Pocket
Body Wash
Cotton Balls

Internal Top Pocket
Field notes
Roll of quarters
Few other random things
Laptop Compartment
AR500 Armor Trauma Plate Advanced Shooters Cut (ASC) - 10"x12"
Practical application and adds about 10 lbs. of weight, which in my opinion more weight to carry is always a plus when training on a regular basis.

External Slash Pocket
Always a good thing to have in any situation when leaving the house (unless you are going on a plane).

LED Flashlight 5 Mode Zoomable Torch
Again always good to have in case of any emergency.

Book (The Jedburghs)
I always have a book on me, never know when you are going to be sitting around waiting on something.

Wall outlet USB plug
Charging cables