I've had a few people ask about the paracord on my ruck handles and how to do it, since I just got the Rucker I figured why not add some 550 to it. Adding 550 paracord to your ruck handle takes about 16-feet of cord, a knife/scissors, a lighter, and maybe an episode of Ultimate Survival Alaska (or The Bachelorette if that's your thing, no judgment here). Benefits of having the cord are that it can be used when hiking or while partaking in an event. While hiking/camping or doing events you can use it as lashings, making traps, make shift tourniquet, replacement for boot/shoe laces, etc. Also, it gives your ruck a unique look.
Step 1:
Take about 16 feet of cord and run it under the handle, pull it so you have two even lengths. Then proceed to do an overhand knot like shown in the 1st picture.

Step 2:
Roll the knot so it is on the bottom aspect of the ruck handle, when doing this you will have to pull one end of the cord through the space under the handle.

Step 3:
Take the cord on your left and bring it over the handle and then under the cord on your right.

Step 4:
Bring the cord that begins on the right (you haven't done anything with it yet) and loop it under the handle and through the loop created by the other cord.

Step 5:
Pull the two free ends of the cords tight, and push the knot to the top.

Step 6:
As you did in the previous steps you will now do the same knot just opposite direction. Take the cord on your right and bring it over the handle and then under the cord on your left. Now bring the cord that begins on the left and loop it under the handle and through the loop created by the other cord. Again pull the knot tight and to the top.

Step 7:
Continue doing steps 3-4 and step 6 interchangeably, be sure you are interchanging these otherwise you will end up with an asymmetrical pattern.

Step 8:
Once you have reached the end of the handle make sure you push the knots up to make sure its not too loose, then if needed add a few more knots.

Step 9:
Cut the free ends of the paracord with scissors or a knife and then using the lighter melt the ends. I use my finger to smear the melted cord so it doesn't untie itself (it's still hot though, so be careful).

Final Product